I went to see Thor 2 last night after a mid-singles Family Home Evening. It was AMAZING!!! I loved it so much!!! I want to see it again very soon!
I went to the emergency room today with Kensington. We spent 5.5 hours there because she's been having bad abdomen pain for several weeks now. It was NOT AMAZING!! I hated it! I never want to be back there again!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Spider-Man's Softer Side
We found Spider-Man with a pink high heel on. Bentley said Spidey has a boo boo on that foot. Makes sense that a pink heel would make it better. Can you tell our baby boy has lots of big sisters?!
Monday, October 7, 2013
The Ships of The Brother of Jared & Us
In the Book of Mormon it tells of a family who crossed the ocean in eight barges. They were following the Lord's commands. These barges did not have steering wheels or steering devices of any sort. The families entered the barges knowing they were in the mercy of the Lord's hands as they stepped off of the dry, stable, land and boarded the ships toward the Promised Land, "commending themselves unto the Lord their God."
This scripture has had personal meaning to me over the past five months. I haven't put in any very serious blog entries since the early summer. It was the hardest summer of my life. Up until then I didn't think my single-mom situation was the hardest thing I've ever done. Summer was hard.
I feel promptings to blog. It's what I use as a journal and I look back years later and get much enjoyment and uplifting from my past entries. It's hard for me though because I never want to "air my dirty laundry" or cast pearls before swine. Not that the pearls I'm speaking of are spiritual but rather intimate pearls. I will share what I feel is appropriate.
I receive 3 incomes each month. Two of them are child support and one of them is from my business. My business has always been run with the intent of making ends meet and not to make me a million bucks. It doesn't profit what it would need to to support my family of six. With that said I would like to express my gratitude over the years and acknowledgment that the men in my life keep up on their responsibilities and how it enables me to be a stay at home mom. And how I've been so blessed as well to have a job where I can work in the home. My greatest passion in life is raising my children & being here for them "at the crossroads" of their days. It was during a General Conference somewhere around the time of 2007 when I heard the following recited during a talk. I found this excerpt tonight from a talk in General Conference, 1992:
Thomas S. Monson, then Second Counselor in the First Presidency, said, "President Benson has offered ten specific suggestions for mothers as they guide their precious children:
- 1. Take time to always be at the crossroads in the lives of your children, whether they be six or sixteen.
- 2. Take time to be a real friend to your children.
- 3. Take time to read to your children. Remember what the poet wrote:
- 4. Take time to pray with your children.
- 5. Take time to have a meaningful weekly home evening. Make this one of your great family traditions.
- 6. Take time to be together at mealtimes as often as possible.
- 7. Take time daily to read the scriptures together as a family.
- 8. Take time to do things together as a family.
- 9. Take time to teach your children.
- 10. Take time to truly love your children. A mother’s unqualified love approaches Christlike love.
I remember how strongly "always be at the crossroads" touched my heart when I heard it then. I feel passionately that being in the home is where the Lord would have me. This summer one of my sources of income started to become less stable. Far less. Just something that happens but it left me having to figure out what to do with what we've got.
"Do I get a job out of the home"? and "Is that the right choice"? "What do I do with Bentley"? "Will what I make out of the home compensate above & beyond what I would pay a babysitter & the what the vinyl company profits, which would obviously have to go by the wayside"?
"Did the Lord inspire me to start the vinyl business only to have it be a temporary means"?
"How will the girls handle so much responsibility with me out of the home and is that the right thing"? "Without a father in the home, is it right for them to lose a mother in the home to a full-time out-of-the-home job"? "What dumb job out of the home is going to matter as much as being a mother"?
My girls are in a full-out war with Satan. Some people may read my words and think I'm a religious extremist. I don't care. I have received far more knowledge and divine help in my life than I can deny. I can see the evil that is all around us in this world. I can see it in my own life and in my girl's lives. I know without a shadow of a doubt if I work out of the home that I will lose spiritual ground with my older girls especially. Even when I am here and working so hard to help them make good choices & to make sure they are learning and being provided for, that it feels we are all barely ok. However, on the second hand, I completely understand the need for temporal provisions. And I get the Lord would compensate if me working out of the home was the right choice. I get that we need income to survive, and basically, I understand the importance & need to be the provider. I understand the need to provide money for rent, bills & food. I have been accused of having the child support go to support me as well. To which I pondered on and came to the conclusion that the state comes up with an appropriate number for a father to pay to support his children. If I, being the mother, take that amount and, following the Lord's counsel, use it & sacrifice to do so with many temporal things I'd like to have, choose to live on it as a family, then that is my choice. Over the summer, as our financial situation deteriorated, much faith was exercised. Many tears were shed. I counseled with my church leaders and received help. Help that is emotionally humbling and exhausting to take. I inquired of the Lord what He would have me do. My bishop, Home Teacher & I individually received stupors of thought as we pondered the options I could come up with for my family. My counsel from my Bishop was to "wait upon the Lord, to see what would change or what new doors would open". We didn't get to go on any vacations. We cancelled our plans to drive to Indiana for a family reunion in June. We didn't get season passes to Splash Town like I'd hoped for. We didn't get to go to any water park or any fun get away. And that was ok. But it was hard. I desire to take my children on trips and not have it be such a battle to go to family gatherings that are less than 3 hours away, even. But it is what it is and we are not forsaken or forgotten. That is the hope I hold on to.
So, as the waves crashed against us and as the situation got worse and more scary I started feeling more strongly that I am exactly where the Lord would have me. In the home. With my kids. I can't even begin to express how ugly that makes the financial situation to be. Less income coming in but more knowledge of just staying put. It creates a perfect environment to completely and wholly rely on the merits of Jesus Christ to help me and to provide for me as I provide for my children. I pray that He goes before me and provides a way for me to provide for them. As I have pondered about the Book of Mormon prophet, Jared and his brother, Mahonri Moriancumer, and their dealings before boarding the barges and as they set sail, I am very much put in their shoes. Just in a different time period and on dry land. I also feel that we are in the barge, with no steering wheel and no control at all over the elements, being tossed around and under the water. With the light lit from faith in Christ. We are being led by the Lord to our promised land. One, hopefully, that will include a righteous man who will join me and be one in purpose with me in the Lord. I have prayed fervently that the Lord will touch my business, as he did the stones for Mahonri, and will bless it that orders will pour in and that I can provide for my children. That we can buy groceries and gas and pay the bills. I can't even write in words how heavy the burden of providing is. I worry every day about money. I go to the grocery store almost every day but Sunday. If not, it's every couple to few days because that's all the money I have for food at the time. I can't even express how many mornings I wake up not knowing what we will do for dinner or how to get the girls lunches or, get this, how to purchase the supplies I need for my business or to pay for shipping. Every last penny (and sometimes negative red pennies) go to getting what we need or what the business needs. Or to my diet drink which makes me happy.
I'm not writing this to make anyone feel sorry for us. I have come closer to the Savior during the last three years as a concentrated time period than I could have any other way I believe. I can't replace that nor would I want to. I also believe this experience has done wonders for my kiddos. They have seen many wonderful miracles and have had the opportunity to learn of gratitude and to not take things for granted. I do have high hopes each day that it will get easier in time or better. I have high hopes that the Lord will bring a faithful man into my life who loves the temple as much as I do. I have high hopes that I can focus on serving and raising children and less on financial stability or lack thereof. Very recently I had the realization during a nighttime prayer that I am working so hard to provide stability for my kids, especially my girls. So hard! Because since 2003-2010 we had moved 10 times and Braelyn had gone to 9 different schools and been through two divorces. :( When the Lord inspired me to move from Clear Lake to Spring (again to Spring) I felt very impressed to move in and plant roots and provide stability for the kids. So, that's what we are doing, and I am so grateful and it feels so good! But I am working so hard in providing stability for them and realized I have no stability for myself. It breaks my heart.
I am still figuring it out. Even just today I learned much in my situation has not changed. I am completely dependent on the Lord to provide a way. He always has and always does. It is almost always on a day to day basis and always as needed. I have been the recipient of many miracles. Several today even. (Literally!) <3
Tonight as I'm writing this entry I came across this quote and it's very fitting and beautiful: "When we choose to follow Christ in faith rather than choosing another path out of fear, we are blessed with a consequence that is consistent with our choice." -Quentin L. Cook, General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I know the Lord knows me. One Sunday a few weeks back I was so sad and struggling so much. I prayed before church and told Heavenly Father my greatest dreams and desires. Sitting in church awhile later the member of the bishopric, who happens to be my home teacher, gets up and announces that he had been doing his scripture study that morning but was only able to get through one verse. He wasn't sure why at the time but none the less, only one verse. He said "I now know why I could only read one. Some members of our ward are suffering under heavy burdens and Heavenly Father wants you to know He knows you." He then recited the one verse he was stuck on which reads:
"Behold and hearken, O ye elders of my church, who have assembled yourselves together, whose prayers I have heard, and whose hearts I know, and whose desires have come up before me." Doctrine & Covenants 67:1
That really touched my heart and lifted me. He had that experience before church began and before he saw me that day. He had that experience before my tears rolled down my face that Sacrament meeting, before his words were spoken. Heavenly Father gave him that experience to show me (I believe it was for me) He knew me. In my prayer just that morning I poured out my heart and it was broken.
I have had other examples of God's love for me. I know He is aware and I sure hope He has a plan. I love Him.
"No other success can compensate for failure in the home. The poorest shack in which love prevails over a united family is of greater value to God and future humanity than any other riches. In such a home God can work miracles and will work miracles." -President David O. McKay, 1968
I am so thankful for good men in my life who work so hard to support their children and to the Lord who enables me to be in the home to help them come unto Christ. I hope I can always do so.
Just from Saturday's session of General Conference, Jeffrey R. Holland said, "Believe in miracles. I have seen so many. They came when every indication would say that hope was lost. Hope is never lost. If those miracles do not come soon, or fully or seemingly at all, remember the Savior's own anguished example. If the bitter cup does not pass; drink it. And be strong. Trusting in happier days ahead."
Rudy Is Not Fernando
The other evening the kids were outside and Cali came in to tell me that the kid that egged our car a couple weeks back was out riding his bike. I told her to come tell me if he passes by again & I would say something to him. That's normally not my style, I usually just say to myself what I'd like to say, but this time was going to be different. I was going to stand up to that little punk kid. He rode by again and Cali ran in to get me. As he rode casually around the corner I told him to never egg my car again....
Come to find out this kid wasn't named FERNANDO (the kid we know did it) but rather, Rudy. And he and his family just moved here and how "Oh, no, ma'am, I don't do that anymore. I'm too old." I glared at Cali for putting me in this situation and told the kid the story of how we were egged and how my child thought he was the one who did it. So. Embarrassing. THIS is why I don't open my mouth. haha As I started talking to Cali about how she was so off she said "Mom, it's all in the past now." lol
We have made a new friend. Rudy. Each time he rides by our house I wave and say "hello Rudy" to which he probably hates and ignores but cie la vie. A new friend is a new friend, no matter how they became that way (or what you were initially accused of).
Come to find out this kid wasn't named FERNANDO (the kid we know did it) but rather, Rudy. And he and his family just moved here and how "Oh, no, ma'am, I don't do that anymore. I'm too old." I glared at Cali for putting me in this situation and told the kid the story of how we were egged and how my child thought he was the one who did it. So. Embarrassing. THIS is why I don't open my mouth. haha As I started talking to Cali about how she was so off she said "Mom, it's all in the past now." lol
We have made a new friend. Rudy. Each time he rides by our house I wave and say "hello Rudy" to which he probably hates and ignores but cie la vie. A new friend is a new friend, no matter how they became that way (or what you were initially accused of).
Our Evening Is a Joke Sometimes
As a backdrop...
We, as a family, are encouraged to spend one night together each week learning something new or reviewing a gospel principle or playing games... something together and focused on our Savior and growing closer to Him. It's called Family Home Evening. It is "supposed" to be spiritual and filled with wholesome goodness. :)))
Tonight, Bella and I had conducted her science experiment (proudly NOT the very last minute I might add) and were working hard on creating the poster online when my phone rang to discuss in more detail Bentley's FREAKISHLY HIGH (so high!) dental bill with his padre. That phone convo was a little intense as is anything that has a price tag with 4 digits, the first number not being a one (or a two, or a three, and so on & so on). :/ Ugh but that's a post for another day! During that phone convo, still waiting to finish the science project poster, Brae comes upstairs having lost all patience in me and tells me that we will just have to do her Accro Workout another night. She was upset with me that I didn't get to it. I finish my dental phone call, finish the online portion of Bella's thing and go to do vinyl for the poster.
Then, it started pulling up so I tell her we have to stop for tonight and I will finish, I mean we will finish, tomorrow!! She starts crying. It was her daily aspiration obviously to finish that portion of the poster tonight. So, at this point Brae and Bella were upset. I forgot to mention Bentley had a breakdown during my phone convo minutes earlier bc he wanted his dad to come help him play Batman for the Wii. Tantrum. Funny because that's how I felt today too but over the dental bill.
Whatev. I'm over it now.
So, on that note of two kids crying or barely recovering from a tantrum and one ticked off at me we started Family Home Evening... Since the kids didn't have time to prepare a lesson or activity I pulled one together last minute of something I had recently learned more about. Jared taught a lesson last Sunday and showed a video of the parable of The Ten Virgins that I had never seen before. It was so beautiful. You can view it by clicking HERE via YouTube. It wasn't long before Cali was crying over something and then Bentley started too so at that point I had 3 in tears. And I cried too. Mine was communicating how I fall short everyday as a parent but still.... lots and lots of tears. It's comical really to think how hard it is to have a spiritual and quiet lesson. OH and I almost forgot the hamsters (we are hamster sitting) were running in their wheels the whole time. We bring them out into my office at night so they don't wake up the girls while sleeping. Note to self: don't do fhe with hamsters around next time ;)
I still managed to feel the Spirit during the video clip and I know the Lord knows I'm doing the best I can and am being obedient in doing them each week. Even if they are a joke sometimes. Perhaps it helps us see His sense of humor.
I'm happy to say that Braelyn & I DID end up doing our Accro-Workout in the dark after the fhe and dessert. We did kartwheels, handstands, roundoffs, splits, scorpions (well not me for that one) and I think I broke my back (after all I'm not 17 anymore). Cali wanted to come out and when I told her to go back in bc I'm having one on one time with Brae I could hear her yelling behind the closed door, "Yeah!!!! And you only want one on one time with HER!!" Thank you for that. I truly am spread so thin. I truly am trying so hard and I truly hate doing this by myself. But the Lord is good to me. He is faithful and He adds oil to my lamp each and every time I step in the right direction and with each effort I make in doing His will.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Kids Say the Darndest Things :)
Bentley cracks me up! Earlier this week I was bathing him and I stepped out of the room for a second and told him to talk to me so I know he's safe...
Bent: "I don't know how to talk to you"
Me: "I need to know you're safe"
Bent: "I need to know you're safe. You're happy, mom"
Me: "Why am I happy????"
Bent: "Because everyone loves you"
I don't know where that came from but it went right to my heart.
Today I was bathing him again... go figure!! and I caught him licking the bathtub (again haha) and I said "Stop licking the bathtub"
B: "why"?
Me: "Because it's gross & has germs"
B: "Oh, so I need to touch the germs with my toe"
Bent: "I don't know how to talk to you"
Me: "I need to know you're safe"
Bent: "I need to know you're safe. You're happy, mom"
Me: "Why am I happy????"
Bent: "Because everyone loves you"
I don't know where that came from but it went right to my heart.
Today I was bathing him again... go figure!! and I caught him licking the bathtub (again haha) and I said "Stop licking the bathtub"
B: "why"?
Me: "Because it's gross & has germs"
B: "Oh, so I need to touch the germs with my toe"
Friday, September 20, 2013
Oh, Cellno!
Klein ISD has an orchestra program for 5th graders. They can choose an instrument and commit to a year of learning it. Cali did it a few years ago. It is a great program to give them a head-start for middle & high school if they plan to keep playing. Bella was wanting to play the cello this year. She wanted to be with her friends. I didn't have a great feeling about her committing to it when I now know what to expect with time. I could see into the future and knew it would become more of a fight than a positive to have her practice down the road. Plus, it's a great financial commitment as well. Plus there was a parent meeting last night that I just plain didn't want to go to. I wanted to be home with my sloppy bun and my pajamas. :)))
I am not above bribery.
I offered my kid money to NOT do the program.
She accepted.
We are saying oh, cellno, to the cello this year. We will re-visit in the sixth grade. :D
I traded one month's payment for the would-be cello to simplify our life...
Worst parent-of-the-year-award or brilliant??
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
How Do You Like Your Eggs??
This week is crazy. Monday was NOT a good day at all. Tuesday I woke up at 4:15 and felt energized and certain that I would make it better than Monday. I stayed in bed until 5:30 then got up to take the girls to Seminary and school. Came home from seminary and read my scriptures, said my prayer and was getting ready to shower when one of my daughters had a monthly friend visit her unexpectedly (we live in a house with five women, so you can expect this sort of thing to be in my blog post) and I had to run back to the church to take her some things. Of course since it was getting late I had to run her to the school and get caught in school traffic. I rushed home to finish Bella's hair to find Cali in tears because she didn't want to stay home alone (with Bentley) while I took Bella to school (an entire ten minutes) and then Bella was in tears when I found out her homework was left undone from the night before.
Ugh Ugh Ugh
Morning shot.
OH, and I forgot we found our car egged between 6-7am as well.
Fabulous morning.
And I woke up sick. I forgot that part. Some cold thing that makes you feel sick & tired.
I dealt with getting the kids to school and washed the car and realized my sunglasses that I replaced the night before bc mine broke Monday were missing. Now it's Wednesday and they are still missing. I just replaced my second pair since Monday.
This week is out of control. EVERYTHING that could happen in one month all falls on this week. Here we go:
I am swamped with work which is such a blessing
I am keeping my friend's boys tonight through Monday (exception of them going to their dads Fri-Sun)
get them to and from their bus stops in the am & pm
Softball meeting at the high school tonight
mutual tonight
Survivor tonight
visiting teaching tomorrow
orchestra meeting tomorrow
Braelyn's glasses are in at the vision center
get Bentley to and from his dad's Th&Fri
extra kiddos Friday morning nbd!
massage (aaahhhhh) Friday
Braelyn has to attend a play Friday night
get the boys to their dad's Friday
Bella run the BearKat Bash Saturday morning
temple trip mid singles Saturday 11
baptism down in south Houston at 4 Saturday
I teach a lesson Sunday I haven't even read
home teachers over Sunday
get boys back Sunday
die and come alive by Monday
I seriously don't know how to do all this. Work alone is killing me this week then you add all this extra.
I will look back and laugh. Until then I just drink a lot of Diet Coke.
With vanilla.
Don't forget the vanilla.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
If Dr. Seuss Wrote 1 Nephi in the Book of Mormon
Nephi: Of goodly parents I was born. I've never drunk, I've never sworn. This is Lehi, he's my dad. Laman, Lemuel, they are bad! And who is this? Why this is Sam
Sam: Yes, this is Sam; Sam I am.
Laman: That Sam I am, that Sam I am I do not like that Sam I am.
Sam: In a tent my father dwelt.
Lemuel: And it's so hot, I think I'll melt. Our father's brain is out of what,
Laman: Yeah, it's too hot, I'm going back.
Lehi: Then go and get the plates my dear.
Laman: On second thought, I'm staying here.
Nephi: You said you'd leave and go away, Now all you want to do is stay?
Lemuel: That Nephi always gets his way!
Laman: Here we are in this damp cave.
Sam: We would not be here if you'd behave!
Nephi: I will go and I will do... There's an angel, that's my cue. Laban's had too much to drink. Now he'll lose his head I think. Look what I found, a brother from the quorum.
Sam: We will take him home, we'll call him Zoram.
Laman: Our gold and silver we have spent. I do not like it in this tent.
Lemuel: I cannot read the Liahona. I must have drunk too much Corona.
Laman: We hate it here, we have no lives.
Lehi: Then go back to the city and get some wives. A tree, a tree, I see a tree!! The fruit is white, the fruit is free. A floating building, could it be? Why do they laugh and stare at me? Laman, Lemuel, come and see!
Laman: We will not eat your precious fruit.
Lemuel: We will not wear a tie and suit.
Laman: We will not help you build your boat.
Lemuel: We do not think that it will float.
Laman: No not this boat, it will not float. Not even in a shallow moat. I do not care what Nephi wrote.
Lemuel: We will not eat your fruit I say.
Laman: We will not eat it on a tray.
Lemuel: Aand we won't eat it in a tent, not even if your clothes are rent.
Laman: We'd rather have a can of spam, we will not eat it, Sam I am.
Sam: You do not like it, so you say, try it, try it, and you may. Try it and you may I say.
Laman: Sam, if you will let us be, we will try it, you will see.
Lemuel: Say, we like this fruit of life!, sorry that we caused such strife. You've saved us from an awful jam, Thank you, Thank you, Sam I am
Sam: Yes, this is Sam; Sam I am.
Laman: That Sam I am, that Sam I am I do not like that Sam I am.
Sam: In a tent my father dwelt.
Lemuel: And it's so hot, I think I'll melt. Our father's brain is out of what,
Laman: Yeah, it's too hot, I'm going back.
Lehi: Then go and get the plates my dear.
Laman: On second thought, I'm staying here.
Nephi: You said you'd leave and go away, Now all you want to do is stay?
Lemuel: That Nephi always gets his way!
Laman: Here we are in this damp cave.
Sam: We would not be here if you'd behave!
Nephi: I will go and I will do... There's an angel, that's my cue. Laban's had too much to drink. Now he'll lose his head I think. Look what I found, a brother from the quorum.
Sam: We will take him home, we'll call him Zoram.
Laman: Our gold and silver we have spent. I do not like it in this tent.
Lemuel: I cannot read the Liahona. I must have drunk too much Corona.
Laman: We hate it here, we have no lives.
Lehi: Then go back to the city and get some wives. A tree, a tree, I see a tree!! The fruit is white, the fruit is free. A floating building, could it be? Why do they laugh and stare at me? Laman, Lemuel, come and see!
Laman: We will not eat your precious fruit.
Lemuel: We will not wear a tie and suit.
Laman: We will not help you build your boat.
Lemuel: We do not think that it will float.
Laman: No not this boat, it will not float. Not even in a shallow moat. I do not care what Nephi wrote.
Lemuel: We will not eat your fruit I say.
Laman: We will not eat it on a tray.
Lemuel: Aand we won't eat it in a tent, not even if your clothes are rent.
Laman: We'd rather have a can of spam, we will not eat it, Sam I am.
Sam: You do not like it, so you say, try it, try it, and you may. Try it and you may I say.
Laman: Sam, if you will let us be, we will try it, you will see.
Lemuel: Say, we like this fruit of life!, sorry that we caused such strife. You've saved us from an awful jam, Thank you, Thank you, Sam I am
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Being a Mom is Rewarding
This morning before school Cali was upset. She told me she doesn't like school anymore. This coming from the girl who is in almost all 'AP' classes and who is Miss Social Butterfly. All of a sudden she just doesn't like school AND she wanted me to take her out early today. For no reason other that what I listed. I also take & pick up her friend each day so I told Cali no (of course). She bust into tears, "I just want you to take me out early." I shared some encouraging words on the way to school to which she had a snide remark to and when I let them out I rubbed her back and said to smile because mom loves you and told her I loved her again and to have a good day. Wouldn't you know it as she shut the door she turned and through the window gave me the dirtiest glare I ever did see ; /
If looks could kill, I'd be dead right now. I said something under my breath as I drove away. For real, I don't honestly know if I will come out at the other end of this teenage girl tunnel. Kensi is her fore-runner and Cali will do me in. I just know it.
Divine Help Once Again
I am overwhelmed with the things that are breaking around our house and the things the kids need/business needs. In the last week my shower head hose broke and sprays everywhere. It's makes for a very chaotic shower experience. I would say to shower in the girls bathroom but their drain has been plugged for about a year so the crazy shower is a better choice. We found out our DVD player stopped working AFTER renting a movie last Friday night. :( Boo to that. The other day I was saying a prayer and told Heavenly Father all that was weighing me down, including the broken shower and clogged bath (which I had previously tried the Liquid Drano and the home remedies to no avail) and within an hour of my prayer I had the thought to google (reliable best friend) how to remove the plug in the girls bathtub. Up to that point I had NEVER thought "there must be a way to remove that drain even though it's the twist and lift type". WHY had I never thought to google that? I knew it was clogged with a bunch of nastiness, I just couldn't get to it! Within seconds of googling that I knew how to remove the plug. That was STEP 1, yes!! Actually getting it off wasn't quite as easy. I got it down to the thick screw that holds it in place but it was not budging at all. I used two different types of screwdrivers, WD 40 to try to loosen it up, the pliers, electric screwdriver and the heart-shaped whatchamacallit my sister sent me to loosen up lids in the kitchen. It wasn't stinking moving! I am never one to just give up or call for help when I KNOW I can do it! It just takes a will and sheer will power to get some things done. I positioned the pliers around it again in the groove of the plier and literally used all my body weight to push them around and finally had success. And that success led to the success of un-clogging the tub. So now we have a shower that works!! It was incredible. And dumb really but mostly just incredible. I received an answer to my prayer and it lifted a burden and I did it on my own. :) It's days later now & I'm still happy about it.
Waging War & Winning (I think...)
You gotta' love Texas! It's amazing and has the most breath-taking skies you will ever see. It also has many bugs! Our annual visitors happen to be fruit flies at this time of year. They came & went last year seemingly on their own since nothing I did worked then. This year they are unbearable. I keep a pretty clean home and can't for the life of me figure out why they are hanging around. I have tried everything. Google is my best friend and has left me empty handed so far. We have done the fly paper traps & the apple vinegar with dish soap. We have made funnels to trap them, Saran Wrap to trap them & they won't leave. This week I was so fed up that I decided to spray them with Windex. It works!! And I have a fair amount of OCD so it's pretty rewarding to watch them drop!! Our Windex is gone now but it's working!!! It's kind of a pill because the cleaner makes such a mess (oxy-moron I suppose) & then I have to go back with a bleach rag to clean up after the Windex. BUT!!!! if it does the trick and they go away it will all be worth it.
Is there a purpose for fruit flies really?? Besides to torture & torment man?
Is there a purpose for fruit flies really?? Besides to torture & torment man?
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Bentley is saying so many "totes adorbs" things right now (for those who don't speak 'Teenage Girl' that means totally adorable things)!! The other night we were snuggling and he told me "I love you so much mom" and I replied "I love you so much too forever". He quickly responded (since he is working on his numbers and he is three after all) "not forever, three-ever".
I love you too kid... three-ever. <3
I love you too kid... three-ever. <3
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Random Knowledge
They say if you pay attention you learn something new everyday.
Today I watched the 30 Seconds to Mars video of "The Kill" & realized after years of singing "Marry Me Marry Me" that I was singing the wrong words. I always wondered how marry me fit into the song. Turns out the writer knows what he's doing & "bury me" fits much better!
The kill. Bury me. Mind blown.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
A little tender moment
I was laying in Bentley's toddler bed with him tonight at bedtime & was sobbing. Bent is always so sweet to me when I'm sad. I took my glasses off for a few minutes & as I put them back on through the tears he said "mommy, you look good."
He's such a ray of sunshine & goodness in my life. He can tell me that when I'm a puddle of a hot mess. <3
Monday, June 17, 2013
Cali's Birthday & Party
Cali had a few friends come for a sleepover
They did a water balloon war
When I left them alone to play outside for a few they decided to make handprints in the street with paint
Kensi volunteered (I think it was her idea to do the handprints in the first place) to scrub them up
Singing to my big girl
Single Adult Shenanigans
Last Saturday we went to the largest single's activity I'd ever been to. It was really fun! They had it at someone's property that had a big pond/lake with open space for playing. We brought dinner and they provided grilling for s'mores at the end of the night.
Before the activity they encouraged us to bring water balloon launchers for a competition they would have. At first I wasn't going to worry about it but as the activity got closer I felt inspired to make one! Kensington googled ways to do it and we came up with this!
Before the activity they encouraged us to bring water balloon launchers for a competition they would have. At first I wasn't going to worry about it but as the activity got closer I felt inspired to make one! Kensington googled ways to do it and we came up with this!
Cali & Bella on the paddle boat
...and jumping off into the lake :)
Me and Brae
The morning of the activity I was staying over at Shannon's house with her kids & mine. When I watch the kids I like to sleep with Bentley & Ashton in bed with me. I think I'm glutton for punishment.
We had a rough early morning and I found myself awake at 5am. My cell was being charged on the floor so I checked out Facebook for about 15 minutes then turned my phone off. I went to stand up into the bed to climb up but instead I stood up directly into the night stand. My eye instantly swelled as well as my nose. I don't remember it hurting as much as I remember hoping the swelling would go down by the afternoon activity later that day!
Instead I woke up with a black eye. It's been nine days and it's still healing!!
Our video of the balloon launcher
Friday, May 31, 2013
Sweet Girls
Kensy posted this on Brae's Facebook page when she replied to a "To Be Honest" request from Brae.
This makes my heart happy!
This makes my heart happy!
Bentley wearing his 3-D glasses for Iron Man 3. He wore them for this picture and wouldn't put them back on the entire movie.
Our sweet friends, Savannah & Millie.
I had Vannah in my Nursery class with me when she was two.
Kaylie, Alyssa, Brae & Ken
This family was the first friends we made when we moved to Texas in 2003
Riding the carousel at the Stonebriar Mall
Bella fell asleep on Brae on the ride up. So cute!!
We love Buc-ees!!!!!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
May Pics
The kids nowadays call these shots "selfies". The kids take pics of themselves all the time!
I found this one of Cali on my cell :D
I ate lunch with Bella at school last week. We really need to whiten those teeth! ;D
I don't think I posted this on here yet! These were taken two weeks before her birthday!
Ken (:
Here is my selfie at the Houston Temple ;)
Ken & Bentley's selfies
Not sure why this appears stretched but this is Brae's selfie
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