Saturday, February 23, 2013

More Than Just a Tree

Last fall the HOA sent a letter telling me to remove the dead tree in the front yard. Until that letter I didn't even know our tree was dead. I contacted the Management Company for this house since we are just renting and let them know there was no tree out front and if they wanted to replace it they could. Last week the HOA sent me a letter telling me that I needed to replace the tree out front. I contacted the Management Company again and told them I received a letter now and they need to replace the tree. A few days later I got a letter from the Management Company telling me it was my responsibility to replace it and I had 30 days to replace it with a 6ft Oak tree per HOA. 

I was pissed. I am barely holding on lately with all the pressures I'm under. I didn't feel like replacing a tree is my responsibility. The lease I'm under says I'm responsible to maintain the yard. It's questionable whether or not replacing a tree is considered "maintaining" or not. After going back and forth with the Management Company and not getting anywhere I put my frustration on Facebook last week stating I was not happy about the situation. Miraculously a man from church found my post days later and mentioned helping me with this was right up his alley as he owns a landscaping company. :) He and his son brought a 6ft Oak tree over today and planted it for us. 

Here it is in all it's glory. 
And believe me, it's glorious. 
This touches my heart so much. I feel so humbled. Why do I forget that the Lord will provide? Why do I get frustrated and upset? This week I saw the following on my amazing friend's Facebook post. This is regarding her mother and I learned a lot from it:
"This is how she lived!!!
To go along with the picture of my mom, here is a quote from one of her friends: "You never said you couldn't do something. She would always say "The impossible just takes a little longer, more thought and a lot of prayer."
She had great faith--that the Lord would provide a way or someone to help the problem to be solved. She made everyone feel great, to know that the Lord loved them. and that you could do anything if you'd but try."
I find the statement "the Lord would provide a way or someone to help the problem to be solved" very pertinent to my situation. I am constantly overwhelmed with problems to be solved. The tree was a HUGE problem for me. Not only financially, which was my biggest worry, but also physically. There is no way I could go get a 6ft Oak and transport it and plant it by myself. My heart is so full today to my Heavenly Father who completely took care of my problem in spite of me and to the Beckett family who took all costs & effort upon themselves. They acted in grace, doing something for me that I couldn't do myself. 
Miraculously I also had my two strong nephews at my house when he was planting the tree and he ended up needing their help. It amazes me how the Lord is in the very details of my family's life. MUST mean He is in the very LARGE details as well. 
I am also thankful to my friends who supported me and offered their advice and help, both legally and financially! <3 

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