Tuesday, April 19, 2011


So, if you know me you know I've had an attraction to Dr. Pepper lately. It was out of control. After hearing a lesson in church a month or so ago I have cut WAY back. I used to get a 60 oz before 9am and then have more throughout the day. I cut back to one can a day or somedays I get a fountain drink, but not 60 oz anymore. Well, every morning when I would go to get my soda Cali and Bella would talk to their gym teacher who was also out doing the cross walk about where I was going and how I loved my soda.

I was just informed over the weekend that I was used as an example in their P.E. class last week. Their teacher was talking to the kids about addictions and Cali raised her hand and said "like my mom's addiction to Dr. Pepper?". Oh, just brilliant. Just what I always wanted- to be used as a prime example of an ADDICT. I am so proud.

1 comment:

  1. haha nice Calli!!! Well Nolan writes sentences for his homework and I have been staring in alot of them..."its moms kitchen but dad COOKS" and "my mom wont let me have SOUP" lol Our kids are awesome :)
