Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Joy

Us on Easter morning.
 Bentley's First Easter. He loved to throw his plastic eggs! He also loved breaking them open and holding a side in each hand and clapping them together! Cute boy!

 The girls dyed eggs and decorated them into monsters. This was Braelyn's. It had a nest with an egg in it's hair! 
 One of Bella's 
 One of Cali's (from olden times)
 They were talking to me! 
 Frolicking! Second Easter egg hunt! Our good friends put on one Saturday for the kids. They had so much fun!! 
 Cali pointing to the hair (from her egg) that was left behind after she found one of her eggs. 

 The slugs celebrate Easter too. This one hitched a ride on Cali's egg. So gross. 
 Bentster's got some Puffs and a new Truck set. 
 The Bishop from our ward brought over this arrangement that afternoon. It is so lovely! 

 We have a tradition every Sunday to eat pancakes for dinner. We call it (are you ready for this??....)
"Pancake Sunday". 
For Easter we colored the pancakes. 
Bella had some green...
 Bentley LOVES pancakes and he had some yellow...
 Brae and Cali had some green and blue
This was the best Easter I've ever had. I was concerned a few days before as I felt a little down. I thought I might be depressed since it was a holiday and those are harder for me to deal with. It dawned on me Friday or Saturday that this is the perfect holiday for me to celebrate because I have very recently been coming more to Christ to help me in overcoming a "dream" I had (not a dream like while sleeping but a real life dream. As in "I have a dream"):) What an appropriate and beautiful time to celebrate Christ in my life! It was the most spiritual holiday for me and it was peaceful and lovely. We went to church Sunday and had a great service. After lunch I took a nap that was so nice. It wasn't interrupted like it normally is and it was over two hours. We had our home teacher come over and we watched a video on faith in Christ. It was such a wonderful day. 

Good candy. Good spirit. Good laughs. Good memories. Good times. 
(and as a side~note I learned that you can not add "ies" to the end of every word and have it be ok. I talk like that naturally and say "loveies""puffies" "shoesies" "sissies" "napsies" ok, you get the idea. Cali went to a church activity last week and when she came home she brought Peeps. I love those things. And that's what I said. Out loud. And I added an "ies" to the end of it and removed the "s". You say it out loud. " 
I love peepies!"
Not very appropriate is it. I immediately said how bad that sounded and warned the girls what would happen if they were to ever repeat that I said that! haha 
Happy Easter to each of you and may it remain in your hearts all year through. I'm so thankful for Jesus Christ in my life. I love him. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these pics! Im so glad you had a great Easter! And we learn something new eveyday. Dont put ies on everything :)
