Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kensington Is At It Again

This girl cracks me up. She has so much personality. She busts at the seems with it! Last night she was in charge of Family Home Evening (FHE) and her topic was "gratitude". She came up with the topic herself. I have a video of her singing a song she made up about it but it wouldn't download. Following is the lesson:

"Once upon a Merry Gold there was a very proud mother with 5 children and the kids names were Calollypop, Isabeard, Braeden, Kensand & Bentnado. Those children were very ungrateful for all the things they were given. Their mom told them to pray about the choices they made so that night they did. The next day they apologized to their  mother and the mother forgave them. The end."

How about that!! She is hilarious. I will work on the video. It was just great.

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