Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Kicked Out

We got back from our Florida trip last week ( I still need to blog about that) and Bentley has been sleeping horribly. I am simply so exhausted! Last week I was even feeling more exhausted than normal. I am not sure if it was allergies or my body is worn down from all this asthma being out of control or if I was depressed or a combo of everything but it was bad.

Last night we were up literally all night. We may have dozed here and there but it was bad. So, today I am making it official. We are about 3 weeks away from his first birthday and he's getting the boot! I am kicking my sweet, sweet angel out of my bed so we can both sleep better.

It's a hard thing bc at the end of the day I am so tired and I feel like I don't have the energy or strength to do this but I have to. I will keep you posted on the progress. Wish me luck!

{hard to kick him out when he's so yummy and cuddly...}

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