Sunday, September 19, 2010

busy anybody?

This weekend flew by even faster than I thought it would (and I thought it would!) Friday we ran errands after school then rented Letters to Juliet and watched it after dinner then finished a vinyl order and prepared a birthday drop the next day. Did some work online, went to bed late.

Saturday check this schedule out: woke up, got ready, took the three middles to the church to practice their Sacrament Program, came home to shower and eat breakfast, grabbed my addiction (soda), went back to pick up the girls, drove a different route to pick up some cupcakes for one of my most special friends (birthday drop), went grocery shopping, dropped off a vinyl order in Spring, visited with Shannon and family, went to the church bookstore, dropped off birthday treat, drove long trip back home, got home at 5, made dinner, tried to clean house and get my lesson finished but baby wasn't having it, watched Den Brother with girls (really cute!), tried to work on my lesson again but Bent was not willing to work with me, ended up putting him in bed finally at 10:30 and started the finishing touches on a lesson I was teaching today. Went to bed after 1am not feeling too wonderful about my lesson.

Sunday morning woke up by 7, read and re-read my lesson then started to feel better about what I had prepared. Got everyone ready and showered and went to church at 10:30 to receive my new calling as ward librarian (super exciting eh!! :), had the girls Sacrament Program in which the three middles all participated in and was super proud of them because they each memorized their parts (do I leave out the part where I bribed them each with a dollar if they did it by memory. I am not above bribery.), after that I fed the baby then taught my lesson during the last hour of church. It went really well and I was thankful for that. My appointment I was supposed to have right after church was moved to 4:30 so I was able to go home and eat lunch with the kids. Shortly after being home, a "prospective baby sitting job" came over to chat with me and see our home, after she left it was time for my meeting so I went back to the church with baby (who had only slept for ten minutes at this point all day and was beyond exhausted). I got home from that at 5:30 and began to wind down until we were going to a family's home from church for dessert (we had been invited before and had to postpone and then this was set up before any of the other chaos was). I got a call during this time and was told I may be able to catch my Stake Presidency if I headed right over to another church building so I loaded everyone up in a whirlwind of crazy and as we got to the corner I got another phone call saying never mind and I would need to wait. So, after pushing back the dessert and calling AGAIN to move dessert back to its proper time, it was almost 6:30 anyway. We came home for fifteen minutes, I grabbed dinner and then we went to have dessert with this wonderful family. We had a great time! We got home after 8 and I wondered what happened to this weekend and when I would get my relaxing time before my work week starts again.

So, I had a soda and relaxed a bit after the girls went to bed. That is why I am still awake at one am typing this post. I should head to bed I suppose but I'm hanging on to the last bit of weekend I have. Busy weekend and I think it will be a busy week too. I'm grateful that each day is filled with caring and loving people all around me. And each day brings new excitement (horror somedays) and chaos! Good night and "Aloha, goodbye" as they said on Den Brother.

1 comment:

  1. WOW girl! you did have a busy weekend BUT it sounds like it was (for the most part) enjoyable :) Love and miss you bunches
