Friday, November 9, 2012

Mi Vida Loca

If you take medication for your heart I advise you not to read this post. 
If repeatedly using the word "then" is annoying to you, then,  please skip this post. :D
My day started at 5:15am. 
I showered and did my hair then read scriptures and said my prayer. THEN I stepped into the craziness.  I couldn't even wrap my brain around how to do it all but I prayed for help and moved forward. 
I printed out name-tags for an order to take to Mardel's to laminate along with a poster for Cali that was due today. Thank you for telling me last night child. ;)
Then I created 26 different decals on the computer for a customer who needed them this morning (she found out yesterday about a craft fair she got accepted to this weekend) and printed them out on the vinyl cutter. Then, I cut the name-tags out and got them ready to go. Then I left to take Ken & Cali to school. I ran into the gas station to get a soda and when I got out and looked in my mirror I realized I didn't even have my make-up on. That has NEVER happened. That's one indicator that I'm losing my mind. I dropped the girls off then went home and fed the baby and started loading my car with left-over items from the craft fair last month to sell in a boutique. It was at that point I realized 4 of the boards had spots that were missing the protective coat on top. I touched them all up and finished loading the car with the items. Then, it was time to peel the vinyl from the 26 decals and put application tape on them all. I also had to create and print off my customer's last three invoices. When that was all done I got Bentley's bag, that I asked his big sister to pack, ready to take to his dad's house today. I put ON my make up and got the boy ready. Today was Kensington's last day of school as she is going to be home-schooled from now on so she called and asked me to bring her three text books from home. Why not?! I'm heading to the school anyway after I laminate a poster so I will just drop it off then. During this time I also had the girl's dad text me and asked if we could still meet today after he cancelled last night. At that point it was 9 something and they were all at school and my day was nutso so ummm.... 

The baby and I ran to Mardel's, bought some glue sticks because we are out at our house of course, laminated our things then went to the school. We pulled Cali out for the afternoon, turned in the poster and the text books! Then I got a text from the baby's dad asking me to bring his jacket! Doh!!! That was at home! Also during this time my customer was texting me asking me to meet her with her decals so we figured out how to swap goods. It was completely nuts! HOWEVER, at this point it was 11 and the chaos was mostly done. I was able to do everything that HAD to be done, got the baby's jacket, dropped the order off, and was on my way to take Bentley downtown to his dad's. 

After we dropped him off, Cali and I headed to Porter, Texas (I just like using Texas in my sentence) to drop off our car load of items to the boutique. It was about a 30 minute drive from where we were. In their parking lot I took inventory of what I was leaving there since I had NO time to do this before hand. Cali helped me peel old price tags off as we sat there. Things that surely should have been done beforehand. ;)  I told them I would have to email them the list with the prices. Who does this!? I feel like I'm blown with the wind. We left there and I decided since I hadn't eaten anything all day that we would actually go sit down and eat. And breathe!  I had hoped when I saw Cracker Barrel off the freeway that it was the one my friend worked at and hoped she was there today. I was so happy to find her there so we were able to chat for a bit after our meal. 

This was a good girl bonding day for Cali & me. :) I pulled her out of school because she has super anxiety and is a worry wart and since she had prepared and told her afternoon teachers that she wouldn't be there today then her Dallas plans changed, she freaked out! She cried yesterday for approximately 3 hours about  how her teachers would think she lied about going to Dallas and how they would be upset. REALLY?! All of my practicality didn't seem to make a difference and this morning when she asked if I could still get her out early I wasn't willing to fight the battle. Guess what, I don't care today.  She had already made up her work! 

After we left we rushed back to our side of town and was late picking up Ken from school. We got home at 4:15 and I found a piece of wood in the garage and started painting it for a present for Bella to take at 5:30 to a birthday party. After putting two coats of paint on the board I called a customer to straighten out a problem with her new order. It was while I was on that call that Bella informed me the party started at 5:00 and not 5:30. Oh great, it was time to go now! haha 
Dropped her off and informed the friend that I would bring her present when I picked Bella up (at 7, not 7:30 hehehe) and then I went through the car wash and caught up with someone I care about while getting my Stella clean. Then, came home and did the vinyl for the present and got that ready to go. Then I loaded the previous post's pics on here via my phone then went and got Bella. I'm now back home and am so tired, I feel like it's midnight. I still need to do a few things for work but it shouldn't be a late night. 

Tomorrow isn't as bad but it's pretty busy as well. Good grief! My life is ridiculous. Today was a good day though believe it or not. I have felt very happy! 

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