Monday, November 19, 2012

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Nightmare Computer Part Deux:

After I downloaded the trial of Illustrator cs6 over the weekend I couldn't find a download for Cut Studio (which I need for my vinyl cutter) anywhere. I had to wait until this morning (Monday) to call Roland to ask about that. I quickly found out that they don't make a download for cs6 and they won't have one until late December. That wasn't even an option!

So, then I called Adobe. They had an hour wait. Glorious! You know why they have an hour wait?? Because they are monumental and the best in the world at what they do. I soon found out that my last version was cs3 and they don't have downloads for that version anymore. I told them I could even get cs5 and it would be compatible with my software (Cut Studio) but he told me they didn't have downloads for anything but cs6 now. After he crushed my hope I couldn't even keep the tears from coming. It felt over. You know how I mentioned that world-wide company that's best at what they do... and they couldn't get me a link to download anything but CS6. I have a hard time believing that!

I called my friend sobbing. My hope was gone and I couldn't even fathom up another option. If I took my old computer and the new one to the Apple store MAYBE they could transfer the broken old version of cs3 over but I couldn't do that with the migration assistance. That option is a 48 hour commitment and I have orders due tomorrow. Another option maybe would be to have Apple try to connect the old comp to the internet (problem to begin with two times over) but last time they did that it only lasted a week. THEN, if they could I would have to download missing plug-ins that I accidentally deleted last week when cleaning my hard drive up.  That was the best option I could think of. It was then I thought to call Bro Willis again to see if he had any advice. I was half teary on the phone which revealed my instability . He told me since I had a license from before he could get me the cs5 download. Yay, the light returned. For real. I felt calm. I called Roland one more time to make certain their download was compatible and it was. The tech even showed me where to find it on their site.

Now cs5 is downloaded and Cut Studio is back on. I did a test run and we are back up. After 6 long, hard, exhausting days. I feel elated.

For real, I am not a candidate for remodeling. When things aren't in their proper place and things don't function I fall apart. This trial was especially stressful because this is the busiest time of year for me and this business sustains our lives. By this morning I was merely "hanging on" to the knot at the end of that rope!

So grateful it's over. So grateful for those who support us! <3

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