Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break NOT The Houston Zoo!!!

We attempted to go to the zoo on Thursday. Seriously the worst idea I've EVER had. The zoo is about 50 minutes away. As soon as we got close to the zoo the traffic hit and the stress started to settle in our car. It took us forever to get up to the entrance to the zoo only to find the police put up blockades and you couldn't pull into the entrance. They had it where you could use only one entrance and that was for a right turn only. We needed to go left. Of course.

We ended up farther and farther away from the zoo stuck in gridlock traffic on Fannin St with a screaming 2 year old and the girls were freaking out. I was highly stressed and hated the feeling of being stuck on side streets that the traffic literally wasn't moving. Just to give an idea this is how it was...
I was highly stressed. We were meeting Blake and he was fortunate enough to come from the other direction and made it into the parking lot. After 40 minutes he found a parking space so he was trying to tell me how to get in to find a space too. In the meantime I was going farther and farther away bc of all the police blockades & Bella doesn't handle my stress well so she starts FREAKING out. She was asking if there was a way OUT of all the traffic (but in a panic mode asking) and I reacted poorly to her questions and then the girls started jumping all over her case bc of her ridiculous questions. All while we are going the opposite way STUCK in traffic. AND the baby was screaming at the top of his lungs saying "I want you momma". And Bella started crying. It took us about 30 minutes to go .3 miles on Fannin (away from the zoo) just to turn around. I turned around and told all 3 of my older girls to shut their mouths and not to talk again for the trip. I think I yelled it.  I seriously don't recall a more stressful car ride ever. 

After being in the car for a total of two hours and coming to road blocks at every attempt I made to get into the parking lot, I couldn't take the pressure anymore. We decided on a back-up plan and found that Discovery Green was ten minutes away so went there instead! Before we started going I had to apologize to my kids for verbally abusing them. (I qualified for Mother of the Year award in the car that day for my bad behavior)

Discovery Green was SO awesome! It's a park in the middle of downtown. We had prepared a picnic for the zoo so we just ate it at the park and the kids played. 

Good Save!! 

 Flat Stella went with us! 
(Destiny's class sent her to us) 

I learned the hard way to stay away from the zoo and the museum district during Spring Break! Never Again. Not ever. 
The most stressful car situation I've ever been in. We are all traumatized. 

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