Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blog Worthy Pics

Bella with Lexi & Rania at the Museum field trip this past spring.
Beautiful friends. <3
Kensi's softball banquet that I never got around to blogging about,
also on her birthday!
Ry, Ken & her admirer, Avery.
 Something I'm not too proud of but should look back & laugh at, I got my *feelings hurt at the banquet dinner and left super early. I missed everything. Something else memorable happened that night but
didn't pan out. Looking back, not the best memories of that night but it was fun to dress up. Ken looked beautiful! It was fun to take pictures.
*I don't love big social settings and I got embarrassed about sitting at the wrong table. I left early to pick up Bentley from being out of town. Not a huge deal.

 Bentley and Gentry love each other so much. They are so sweet. 
They were both sitting on my lap this day, holding hands. 
 Braleyn got her license in May. This was her first (legal) excursion :o
 I am a sucker for a sleeping baby. 
 Bella's puppet presentation. We were very proud. 
Brae & Ken went to a masquerade the same day the girls got back from Dallas this month. 
They looked beautiful! <3

I love to see the temple. 
This is an un-edited picture I took one night after walking out of the temple. My caption for it is:
"Nothing Else Compares". 

1 comment:

  1. the girls are so beautiful and so grown. makes me sad we dont live closer and have a relationship with them.
