Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The End

I turned in my last final late this afternoon...

That freed up some time finally to actually go to the grocery, clean up the house, mow the zebra stripes in the front lawn, actually cook dinner, eat dinner at THE kitchen table with everyone, and watch Modern Family in my bed while painting my nails. <3 <3 <3 haha 

Seriously, I think it's ridiculous that Cali mowed the lawn two nights ago and I didn't even realize that there were patches left un-mowed. The side of the fence by the main road had three stripes mowed and the rest left undone. Then, the rest of the yard had mohawk lines. 

I was feeling so inspired by the rush of happy energy that I had the idea to put my energy into giving up Diet Coke again. That was a great idea that was followed by a Diet Coke at dinner and one for dessert. ;) 

Finished this semester with 1 B and 3 A's. That B was in oceanography and I think it's pretty awesome considering I didn't read the curriculum at all. :o No time for that.

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