Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Got Lucky

When we drove down to Galveston Beach in May I got pulled over by a police officer and was given a warning (thank goodness) to put a front license plate on my car. I looked and looked and couldn't find that plate so I had to make a trip to the Tax Collector's office. I was told by a friend to take my proof of insurance and registration and go in. So I headed over without much preparation. I took Bentley without shoes and without snacks and as I got to the office I found I didn't even have a current insurance card (why not?!? I have no idea) and my registration sheet is my old one BUT I felt lucky and went in with what I had.... to find the line a mile long. Literally. We waited for an hour and I knew there was a chance I wouldn't even have what was needed and may have to come back a different day. It didn't take long before Bentley wanted down! Without shoes. On the hard and dirty floor. I became "that mom" with "that baby" as he started throwing his tantrums when I would try to pick him up OR move him. The video is just a little shot of him showing off and doing his OWN thing. He is a persistent little bugger. After an hour in line (and after we pulled off a little throw up as drool and much screaming from baby) we got new plates! And for cheap. All the worker needed to see was my vin # and license and he pulled up my info (which is what I was hoping for!) I felt SO lucky and happy after that. I knew I could have taken my luck to Vegas at that point. But I don't have any money and I don't gamble. haha

1 comment:

  1. haha wow!! that sucks!! well you have now experienced my tramatic hour in the DES office!! ahh im glad you got what you needed and im glad you didnt go to vegas (without me)
