Sunday, May 20, 2012


Yesterday was insane. I can honestly say I've never had a day quite like it before and am pretty confident to say I'm sure I will have plenty more in the future JUST like it. Friday night I knew there was so much to do Saturday I couldn't even think about it. I went to bed Friday confident I would wake Saturday and know how to handle it all because there was a LOT going on. I woke up bright and early for a Saturday and gathered (woke) all the kids up for a meeting. We read together for a bit then said a prayer and went to work on making a list of ALL each of us had to get done that day then moved everything on that list to a schedule that ended up going like this:
8:30 girls clean the house, go get milk for cereal, finish up a couple orders for work, start the birthday present for Bella to take later that day, Kensington mowed the lawn.
10:30 shower then the kids ate lunch
11:30 got in the car and went to the bank, get Brae's eyebrows done, waited,  grocery store.
(Still out and about) 1:30- SUPPOSED to drop Bella off at birthday party but instead about 1:45 drop Brae, Ken, Cali off at mall to get what they needed for Mormon Prom and 5th Grade Graduation/Kensington spend her birthday money
1:55- park in our driveway RUN upstairs and grab a towel and sunscreen for Bella then hurry to get her to party a half hour late. Return home.
2:10- unload all the groceries and put them away by myself. FINISH the birthday present Bella was supposed to take with her. Eat lunch. Breathe. Clean the messy downstairs (how did it get messy again when they cleaned in the morning??!)
3:20- wrap present that was still drying (I literally watched paint dry for ten minutes to get this wrapped) and go pick up Bella and drop off present. Mind you my baby hasn't had his nap yet.
3:30 take Bella and Bentley and go drop off movie at Blockbuster from Friday night. Go to mall to pick up the 3 kids. Bentley slept.
4:15- get gas hoping we don't run out of gas after riding with light on for twenty minutes. Go to different store to get juice for baby.
4:45- pull into driveway to receive call regarding Braelyn's ride to Mormon Prom. Braelyn runs inside to get her things then to drop her off at the location to decorate and get ready with her friends. Meanwhile Bella is home getting ready for a sleepover at the same friend's house for her birthday.
5:15- Bentley woke up.  I get home and have fifteen minutes to get myself ready and make sure Bella is ready for her sleepover.
5:30- grab a sandwich, take Bella to her friends then take myself to the Stake Center for Conference (church). I felt like the wind blew me in!
6-8 AMAZING adult session of conference. I absolutely loved it!
8- dinner with Shannon and Jared! So fun. Meanwhile Ken is babysitting for me and our neighbor who also attended conference.
9:15- Bella calls and wants me to bring her a dress for church with her friend.
9:30- Bella calls again and wants to come home. I grab her on my way home
Kensington goes back out to babysit while same friends go to dinner themselves
11- Brae gets home from Prom and gives me a silent treatment bc she didn't like that I was talking to someone on the phone when she got home. So nice after a long day!
11 something (who the heck knows at this point) Kensington gets home and we all have lights off.
Midnight- sleep.

So much in one day. I know I am no where near alone with families who deal with this on a weekly basis. It's exhausting!!! Today I am completely wiped. I need more sleep!

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