Friday, September 20, 2013

Oh, Cellno!

Klein ISD has an orchestra program for 5th graders. They can choose an instrument and commit to a year of learning it. Cali did it a few years ago. It is a great program to give them a head-start for middle & high school if they plan to keep playing. Bella was wanting to play the cello this year. She wanted to be with her friends. I didn't have a great feeling about her committing to it when I now know what to expect with time. I could see into the future and knew it would become more of a fight than a positive to have her practice down the road. Plus, it's a great financial commitment as well. Plus there was a parent meeting last night that I just plain didn't want to go to. I wanted to be home with my sloppy bun and my pajamas. :)))

I am not above bribery.
 I offered my kid money to NOT do the program. 
She accepted. 
We are saying oh, cellno, to the cello this year. We will re-visit in the sixth grade. :D 
I traded one month's payment for the would-be cello to simplify our life... 
Worst parent-of-the-year-award or brilliant?? 

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