Sunday, February 19, 2012

Benjamin Button

Sundays are usually a day full of pondering and soul searching. There's a lot in my life that I'm trying to overcome. I have many struggles and weaknesses. Today in church a speaker said something and it was made very clear to me how special my situation is. He was talking about how he wishes we could live life backward like Benjamin Button did. He said how amazing it would be if you could live life already having so many experiences and how that would alter your choices because of all the knowledge you have at the end of your life.


I've been receiving feelings already about how a future marriage is what I choose it to be. I have the power to choose what situation I want to be in (future) when choosing a spouse. I've been thinking a lot lately about how many married people are in unhappy and struggling marriages. And though I know that's a natural challenge to the institute of marriage itself, you can reduce a lot of the hardship by choosing someone who will be the "best" choice (good, better, best) in having a happy life. Someone who is happy on their own, who is driven the way you are, who are already doing those things that are important to you.

Today was a confirmation of what's been revealed recently in that I am Benjamin Button. I have gone through so much and have learned priceless lessons (the very hard way) and now can choose, having a lot of life experience already. And hey, the good news since I'm Benjamin B. is that I'm aging backwards and will soon look like I am 25. Great skin, great body, and really knowledgeable. My future is bright!

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