Friday, February 24, 2012

Losing My Validity

I have told my girls so many times this week that I'm close to having a nervous breakdown that I don't think they believe me at all anymore. I think I've lost my validity. Crap.

This week has been WAY too much for my liking. I am losing my mind. Every single day I've woke up with something major that is super demanding. I just want to talk about the week so far and vent.

Monday night we did our Science project that took forever. Tuesday all day I worked on the R.S. boards for the church activity. I was so thankful it all worked out. We cut 75 boards and did 75 vinyl decals for them. I ran out of 4 colors of vinyl and re-ordered two which arrived at 2pm that day. I pieced  together the other two colors. Not smart. It's been too busy to be well prepared for things like that. I was exhausted thoroughly on Wednesday. My body shut down but I had to make it keep going to finish Cali's Science Fair board. (thank you Dr. Pepper and chocolate). I just want to state I think Science Fair boards are a huge waste of time. I think it's something our society has adapted but it's kind of pointless in my opinion. I'm all for the projects and learning involved. Just hate the whole board display. Especially when there was no real FAIR and they were just put up in Cali's classroom for Open House. (point of project- never buy Huggies!)

Wednesday night there was a lot of running kids around for church meetings. Then Survivor (that's always fun though). Thursday I had an hour and fifteen minutes to find Bella some khaki pants for her choir concert that night. We had a khaki skirt but her teachers told her she needed pants to match everyone else. ugh. I went to Target, Wal Mart and Ross in this hour I had free and by free I mean not really... and none of those stores had what we needed. NONE. I wasted an entire hour on nothing. I went visiting teaching then met with a customer for an order. All afternoon I was behind on everything. I picked up all the kids on the kids run and then took Bella to two more stores still not finding what we needed for the khaki pants. Finally I paid WAY too much for some we found because we were about an hour and a half until show time at this point and we still had to eat dinner. Saving grace- we found a childrens resale store on our drive home and went in and found some pants that were really nice for $3.50. I now get to add "return expensive over priced khaki pants back and get my refund" to my new "to do" list. We did choir, Open House and ice cream last night. Today is Friday. What is on the agenda today? Campout for Brae and Ken tonight. Gather flashlights that we don't have and sleeping bags that we don't have to my list to get ready. I had to make foil meals for each of them. I'd never done that before. I am excited to have learned something new today. I think they turned out ok. I feel bad to experiment on them while they are away from home but it's the best I can do. After the girls get  dropped off in a bit for their campout I have to take Bentley downtown to meet his dad then Bella and I are gonna hang out and do something fun. I have no idea what because I am so fried on planning this week. Cali is going with a friend. Been to Wal Mart three days in a row now. Got a call today while at Wal Mart from Kensi. She left a homework assignment at home that is already late and needed me to bring it to her in an hour from the call. I was beyond done with frustration. Have I even mentioned the financial pressures of this week by chance?

Tomorrow is a service project in the morning, Brae's birthday, and she and I are celebrating with a friend tomorrow afternoon/night.

Sunday is church, a birthday dinner for a cute little friend and a fireside.

I am drowning. I need a life jacket but I don't have one and if you make me go back to Wal Mart I am going to scream.

On a side-note. Bentley has been throwing massive tantrums this week in public and his 3 hour naps have dwindled to 1.5 hr naps the past two days. And I keep finding him in his bed nude. Oh happy times. Happy times. :D

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