Two is not much fun! Oh my. I miss my girls to help me. Bentley misses the girls. He is so used to having kids to play with and pay attention to him. I am struggling to get my work done and to stay sane.
Yesterday while I was working on a really hard order he destroyed my room. He dumped folded laundry over then decided to dump the trash can on top of it all. He likes to plug things into the outlet like lamps, and phone chargers, etc so that keeps him busy. Ahhhhh!!!
Today he was being so bad. He keeps biting and hitting me. And I was happy when it was nap time so I could work MORE on the cat order that turned into such a nightmare.
About 45 minutes after I laid him down I went in to find him naked so I put his diaper back on and laid him back down. I was determined to be strong and I figured he would go to sleep like he normally does. 45 minutes after that I gave in and went in to get him out to find him nude again and this on the floor. :(
Ah crap!
I had already washed his sheets once this morning when his diaper leaked.
My nightmare order took ALL day. Again. I was quite frustrated. I finished with a half hour to spare with the post office hours and when I came downstairs I stepped in something sticky that leaked from my garbage bag earlier and as my foot stuck I reached for my purse to accidentally pull my "sisters" figurine onto the floor.
You know that line in Dumb & Dumber when he says "my birds heads are falling off!"
This could be me today. Without my head & surrounded in poo.
Perhaps I will leave this on my counter to remind me of how I feel most days.
I feel sad because this set has meaning to me.
And I can't even blame my kids for breaking it! ;D
I used to like cats but not anymore.
These 6 decals were not nice. I re-printed at least 20 of these decals and layered and layered and then re-printed some more.
So happy they are complete. Not overly happy with the outcome but it was as good as I could possibly do.
The white outline was cut by hand and I won't make myself document just how much work they were. It's sufficient to just say they are done after 3 days devoted to just them (and a 2 year old).