Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Tribute to Taxi Drivers

I am so happy this day is over. Here is a run down of my day:

Read at your own risk.

Cali, Ken, & Bentley were already gone from home.
5:40 wake up naturally
6:30 alarm goes off
7am take Bella to her first race at the high school
8am finish up race
go get drinks, take one to a friend
make muffins & change to mow the lawn
burn muffins ;(
9am-mow lawn
2nd coat of paint on 6 boards
shower for day
11:15 talk to good friend in driveway, leave Braelyn key to lock up as she is about to go w/ friend
11:30 go to grocery store
12- drop  Bella off at friend's house
12:10 bring groceries home and find out I'M LOCKED OUT b/c Ken & Brae have both house keys and Brae locked the garage door too :/ grrrrr
12:15 go get key from Brae who is at the church
12:30 get back home, unload groceries, eat lunch quickly
12:50 leave to pick up Cali at her friend's house which is further than what I thought
1:15 get back and clean parts of the house bc a friend was coming to help w/ repairs in the bathroom
1:45 work
get phone calls & texts about picking up Ken & Annie (niece) and also to pick up Bella
2:15 friend over to help with repairs, print out a nametag for the ward dinner International meal I was planning (taquitos) haha
finish up a board
2:45 go get Ken, Annie, Rylan- Brae gets a ride home then gets locked out bc I had her key
drop Ken, Annie, Rylan back off at home, let Brae in to get her book... and
3 pick up Bella then go get Bentley downtown
get to pick up Bella and she was in her friend's bathing suit and dripping wet. Leave her there to swim longer. Tell her I will be back at 4:15 to get her.
leave to go to downtown at 3
DID NOT GET TO DOWNTOWN UNTIL 4:35!!!! Trip down was an hour more than usual due to a major accident which shut down 3 of 4 lanes. It took an hour to go 5 miles. :( Not happy!
4:35 pick up Bentley, change his dirty diaper, go potty in the hot dog place, leave
5:15 pick up Bella from her friend's, run home
5:25 stick in taquitos to bake, get kids ready, get myself ready, hammer in pins to a board to take with me
5:50 leave for ward party at church
6 ward party. sit. breathe. find Bentley. eat more. find Bentley. eat. eat. eat.
7:30 leave church, take Ry and Annie home. Come home.
7:45 friend back over to finish repairs. Do dishes. kids fold laundry.
8 watch tv
8:45 type this
9 go to bed! ;)

I was in such a rancid mood today. This day sucked. I know I'm not alone in being a taxi driver to my kids. Usually I'm much happier to do it too. I'm exhausted today and I hate Saturdays. They are chaotic and the kids all have agendas and I have things that need to get done and a trip to downtown is always included in this day. It's just a lot. A lot of pressure. Plus today I am so mad at men. So mad. I am grateful today is done with and will never rear it's ugliness again. Tomorrow will be a new day.

I used to wake up on Saturdays and ponder what exciting things we would do that day. What happened to that??!!!!!!

This was what I-45 looked like today for 90 minutes. I'm not even lying. It was a parking lot. 
See all the taxi drivers?? 

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