Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rock-Star Race Girl

Bella has an interest in running. She is good at it too. :) 
In P.E. every year the kids are given a choice the first 9 weeks to do a color page of a healthy dinner or if they want to participate in the Klein ISD marathon. Bella really wanted to run this race. 

This is her and a friend warming up. You notice the sun barely rising. That's bc it starts at the butt crack of dawn on a Saturday morning. 

 I was so touched watching my little girl run. 
She ran fast. 
So fast! 
She passed up kids the whole time. She passed kids in the group that started before her too. 
 See her hauling booty in this shot below:
 My baby girl after the race. They even randomly gave her MY favorite #
I was so proud of her for her efforts! 

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